11 Ways to Create Wealth as an Author, Coach, or Speaker

Are you looking to create wealth as an author, coach, or speaker? If so, consider charging more for your products and services. Many people make the mistake of pricing their products and services too low, which prevents them from achieving the level of success they desire. In this blog post, we will discuss eleven ways that you can create wealth by charging what your products and services are worth!

3 Ways to create wealth as an author:

If you're an author, one way to create wealth is by selling e-books. E-books are a great way to reach a larger audience and generate more sales.

You can also sell physical books, which can be autographed and sold at a higher price point. If you sell physical books, you can also sell them through bookstores, which will give you a higher commission.

Another way to create wealth as an author is by publishing calendars, card decks, planners, journals, workbooks, newsletters, magazines, and other products that help people live their best lives is another way to create wealth as an author. These items can be sold on your website, through bookstores, or at events.

3 Ways to create wealth in your coaching business:

If you're a coach, one way to create wealth is by selling individual or group coaching programs. Coaching programs are best bundled instead of selling one session at a time. You could offer a slight discount for pre-paid packages or for referrals from existing clients.

Another way to create wealth as a coach is by selling products that complement your coaching business. For example, if you 're a business coach, you can sell products such as books, e-courses, or audio programs on business strategies.

Finally, you can also create wealth in your coaching business by offering premium services. Premium services are typically higher-priced and offer a higher level of service than your standard offerings. For example, you could offer a high end mastermind, membership program, business roundtable, or implementation retreat.

5 Ways to create wealth in your speaking business:

If you're a well-known author or coach, you can charge a speaking fee to give talks at events and conferences. This is a great way to generate income and build your brand.

From the stage, you can sell both digital products, physical products, coaching programs, consulting opportunities, retreats, VIP Days, access to your membership program and admission to future events. This is a great way to create wealth and reach a larger audience.

You can offer your services to companies for corporate training events. This is a great way to create wealth, as you can typically charge a higher fee for these types of engagements.

You can create wealth by teaching workshops and seminars. These are typically sold as packages, which can include a certain number of sessions or hours of instruction. You can also offer discounts for pre-paid packages or for referrals from existing clients.

Finally, you can create wealth in your speaking business by offering premium services. These are typically higher-priced and offer a higher level of service than your standard offerings. For example, you could offer VIP days, where clients receive an intensive coaching experience over the course of a day.

By following these tips, you can start charging what your products and services are worth and begin creating the wealth you deserve! Thanks for reading!

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Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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