How to Turn Your Blog Posts into Eye-Catching Social Media Posts

Are you struggling to create eye-catching social media posts that get attention? You're not alone. A lot of people find it difficult to take their blog posts and turn them into interesting and engaging social media posts. In this blog post, we will show you how to do just that! We will provide you with tips and tricks for creating social media posts that are sure to grab attention. So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

A picture is worth a thousand words. - Frederick R. Barnard

The first step is to find a great image to accompany your social media post. The image should be eye-catching and relevant to the topic of your blog post. You can find free images online or you can use images from your own collection.

Nine places to find fabulous and free images:

  • Unsplash

  • Pexels:

  • StockSnap:

  • Life of Pix:

  • Vecteezy:

  • Pixabay:

  • Reshot:

  • FoodiesFeed:

  • Burst:

Once you have a great image, it's time to create your social media post.

Ten tips for creating attention-grabbing social media posts:

  • Create more than one social media post from each blog post by repurposing content within it (i.e., quotes). This will allow you to use different images in each social meda post while still sharing the same information .

  • Keep your text short and sweet. Most social media platforms only allow for a limited number of characters per post.

  • Use strong visuals. Images are more likely to catch someone's eye than text alone.

  • Use unique fonts, colors and backgrounds. Be consistent with your branding. Use the same color palette and font styles in all of your social media posts.

  • Incorporate emojis into your social media posts for an added punch of fun and personality.πŸ’₯

  • Use motion graphics. Motion graphics are a great way to bring your social media posts to life.

  • Infuse audio. A social media post is not just about the visuals. It's also about sound. Educate, entertain, and attract new listeners with Audiogram.

  • Create carousel posts. Carousel posts are social media posts with multiple images. This option is available on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest

  • Create "Boomerang" style video content. These are captivating mini videos that loop back and forth.

  • Create "challenge" style posts. These are social media posts that ask the reader to take some type of action (e.g., answer a question, make a choice, etc.).

The key to creating successful social media posts is to be engaging and interesting. By following these tips, you can create social media posts that are sure to grab attention!

Once you have created these social media posts from your blog post, it's time to promote them! Remember these 4 execution tips to ensure success:

  • Include calls-to-action. Use social media posts as an opportunity to get people to visit your blog, sign up for your email list or purchase your product or service.

  • Write engaging captions! A good caption can make or break a social media post so don't skimp on this part! Start by summarizing the main points of your blog post in a few sentences and then add a call to action. For example, "Read our latest blog post for tips on how to create social media posts that get attention." Finally, be sure to include a link back to your blog post so that people can find it easily!

  • Use social sharing buttons to make it easy for blog readers to share your post on social media. You can install social sharing plugins like "Social Warfare" or use the free version of SumoMe: SumoMe

  • Use a scheduling tool such as Buffer or Hootsuite so that you're not constantly interrupting people throughout their day by posting new content at random times. If possible, schedule different times during the week when it makes sense for people who follow you on social media (e.g if they live in a different time zone).

Now that you know how to turn your blog posts into social media posts, what are you waiting for? Start using these social media tips to create posts that stand out from the crowd. Remember, it’s not about reinventing the wheel – it’s about taking your blog posts and tweaking them a bit so that they are more appealing to social media users. By following these simple steps, you can create posts that get attention and drive traffic to your website. Which strategy will you implement first?

Blog post updated 18 May 2021

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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