Sound Your Note


“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” -  Thích Nhất Hạnh

Hi there, sweet one,

I never planned to become a teacher. I started this journey because I desperately needed answers on how to make my life work in a way that honored my heart and soul. 

Initially I was filled with anger, shame, and frustration because I lacked the wisdom, knowledge and understanding that would propel me forward faster. 

I was crippled by analysis paralysis so I would not even attempt new things if they were not “perfect”.  This behavior ushered me straight into bankruptcy and foreclosure. 

Bankruptcy was a gift. Starting over was a reminder that mastery is strengthened one step at a time. I discovered vulnerability is a super-power. Opening my heart to self-love, self-acceptance and self-compassion allowed my creative process to be messy. 

You are reading this blog because deep down inside you know that NOW is the time to step more fully into your life. If you’re secretly terrified that you will take your untapped potential to the grave, please know that I wrote this book for you. Why? 

Every person (including myself) has unique gifts, talents, strengths, abilities, and lessons learned from their life experiences that could be shared in a manner that helped another to live a fuller, richer, and more rewarding life.

I believe that peace is possible, and it begins within my own heart. We can be peaceful allies, and without blaming or judging others, we can impact change by speaking out on behalf of those who feel disrespected, unloved, and alone.

Today, I humbly invite you to step out of the shadows. Leave the “secret agent” label at the door. You are encouraged to “Sound Your Note” so that you can attract those individuals who will support you with joyful exuberance to get your authentic work out into the world.

I chanted the mantra daily “Every master was once a disaster” so that I could engage in the art of the start. My desire is that this book encourages YOU to do the same. 

I extend my prayers for avalanches of abundance – Love, Light, Health, Peace, Joy and Prosperity – to fall into your life.

May everything that you touch be blessed. :-) <3 


Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

Attract Clients and Grow Your Business by Loving Yourself


YES. You Have Enough Time