Make a Commitment to Serve Others

It is often said that the best way to find happiness in life is through service. The same can be said for business! If you want to create a successful business, then it's important that you make a commitment to serving others. This blog post will discuss how you can turn your passion into profit by making this commitment today.

Before we begin, allow me to ask you "When do you feel your best?"

No, really.

I want you to think about this for a few moments.

Reflect on all of the times where you felt joy beaming from the top of your head to the tip of your toes.

Personally, when I think about my life, the times I lived with the intention of serving others has brought me some of my greatest joy. Helping others get from where they are to where they want to be lights up my entire core. It's like I'm full of adrenaline and there is nothing else that matters.

So, how can you apply this to your business?

Make a commitment to serving others if you want them to buy from you or subscribe to your blog. For example, let's say that one of the services in your company specializes in helping people with debt. To get people to buy your debt management service, you must illustrate that your approach will alleviate the stress of being heavily in debt, and as a result of working with you, they will reclaim their confidence and personal power.

Focus on the needs of others if you want customers or readers that feel compelled enough to take action and invest in what you're selling! The catch is that they first have to know that you exist and they have to trust what you say.

This brings me back to my previous point: service! The more your company serves others, the more likely it is for them to invest in your product or service. If this sounds like something you want to do, then start brainstorming ways on how you can serve people today with your products and services.

The more you serve others, the better your business will perform!

What are some ways that I can continue to serve people? How about blog posts like these that help them on their journey? You could publish a weekly blog post every Thursday at noon. This way, if someone subscribes they know when to expect new

When you align what feels good to you to while also helping others, this is when you create a highly successful business and radiate happiness.

If you don’t think you deserve a business that radiates you down to your core, you must reexamine your thoughts about your worthiness. We all deserve a business that feels good and helps others. It is our greatest calling to serve others and do what we love in the process.

There are far too few of businesses owners out there that focus on combining these two qualities which I believe is the root of so much unhappiness, competition, and scams within some parts of the business world. They either are only serving themselves without giving back, or they are serving others without giving to themselves.

Both are recipes for disaster.

Instead, when you commit to providing the highest service with the intention of getting people from where they are to where they desire to be, you will find your business dramatically change.

There is so much you have learned on your journey already, and if you have changed your life for the better, you must share your journey with others.

Never be afraid to reach out to those around you who might be struggling since this is part of your commitment to your service.

Your service might not look the same as others, but don’t spend time comparing yourself to anyone else.

Instead, look around you and ask, “Who could I serve today?” “How could I meet someone new?” “How could I help the growth of my community?”

This will forever and always put you in a position of being loved and trusted, since people will feel the giving nature you have within you.

Always, always let your joy shine through.

Then, people won’t be able to get enough of you.

With gratitude,


Blog Post Updated 3 Feb 2019

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

Commit 100% to Your Dream Business


Attract Clients and Grow Your Business by Loving Yourself