Whose Approval are You Seeking?


Whose approval are you seeking?


Do you want to be seen - but are afraid to look silly, incompetent, and foolish?


Do you want to be yourself- but are afraid of the pushback + judgment that comes with sharing your ideas, opinions, and feelings?


Do you want to build a multi-million-dollar business - but are afraid of success AND failure?


Do want to be creative - but perfectionism and procrastination won't release their grip on you?


Whose approval are you seeking?


Tell me. I will NOT judge, criticize, or condemn. 

I sincerely want to know.

Your Mother? Your Father?

Your Sister or Brother?

Your Spouse, Lover or Significant Other?

Your Son or Daughter?

Your friends? Sorority sisters? Fraternity brothers?


Your Employer? Your Clients? Your Business Colleagues?

Your Business/Life Coach? Mentor? Teacher?



Whose approval are you seeking?

Each time I answer this question from my heart - without apology, anxiety, explanation, excuse, pretense, or anger - I remember that seeking approval outside of myself spins me into a self-made prison.  


Rather than unleash fear in all its forms, I choose to face the truth of my being.


I choose to give myself permission to heal and be healed.


I choose to give myself permission to love and be loved.


I choose to give myself permission to discover my weaknesses and strengths, and celebrate both because they blend to make me who I am.


When I do this .... I am free. I want the same for you.


Give yourself more love, more joy, and more grace + bliss from the inside out.


So, let me ask you once more ....  whose approval are you seeking?


Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

The Courage to Play Bigger


The Courage to Start Again