The Courage to Be Disliked


Over the years I’ve worked with clients who were absolutely freaked out every time someone made a negative comment on one of their social media platforms.  If I am to be extremely candid, I did not understand their anger, angst, or frustration. 

The courage to be disliked is the ability and willingness to bear witness, and honor your own inner-voice – which may mean going against the crowd. This takes tremendous strength of character; self-awareness; and the willingness to take risks with your creativity.

You are not going to be liked, respected or approved-of by everyone all of the time – because you aren’t meant to! That is just plain silly wishful thinking. The courage to be disliked comes from feeling comfortable enough with yourself that you can say what feels right for you, and what feels wrong for you – without worrying about whether or not someone else approves of it.

Note that trolls and keyboard ninjas are part of the journey. You are encouraged to step into the highest version of yourself while they eat their hater tots and drink their haterade.

I believe that “freedom of creative self-expression” is your birthright. I also believe that it is unrealistic to expect all 8 billion people on planet earth to agree with your every thought, word, and deed. You can give yourself permission to bear witness to an opinion other than your own, without slipping on the banana peel of people pleasing and proving.  

You are not here to cater to the moods and opinions of other people. It is not necessary for you to sacrifice self-respect so that other people feel comfortable.

With that in mind, please give yourself permission to be yourself – without explanation, justification, guilt, shames, and/or apology.

Give yourself permission to be loud and proud about the value you bring. 

Give yourself permission to be disliked. 

You are not for everyone. That is a beautiful gift. Revel in it. 


Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

Your Deluxe Business is NOT a Charity


The Courage to Be Rich