Where Do Good Ideas Come From? 7 Surprising Places

We all want to have good ideas. But where do they come from? Is there a specific place that we can go to get them? In this blog post, we will explore six surprising places where good ideas can come from. We'll also discuss how you can harness the power of these ideas to improve your business!

So, where do good ideas come from? Let's take a look at six places you might not expect:

The first place is the shower. That's right, the shower! Many people find that they have their best ideas when they are in the shower. The reason for this is that showers provide a time and space for us to relax and let our minds wander. We are not focused on anything in particular, which allows our brains to explore new ideas and connections.

Another surprising place where good ideas come from is when we are doing mundane tasks. This could be things like doing the dishes or taking a walk. When we are engaged in these kinds of activities, our minds are free to wander and explore new ideas.

The next place where good ideas come from is during a conversation. This could be with a friend, family member, or coworker. When we are engaged in a conversation, our brains are constantly processing information and looking for new connections. This can lead to some great ideas!

Another time when good ideas often surface is when we are working on something else. For example, if you are working on your computer and an idea pops into your head, you might jot it down in a notepad so that you can explore it later. This is because our brains are constantly active, even when we are not actively thinking about something specific.

The fifth place where good ideas come from is during meditation or prayer. When we quiet our minds and allow ourselves to be present in the moment, we are more open to receiving new ideas.

The sixth place where good ideas come from is dreams. This is because our brains are very active when we are sleeping and dreaming. Dreams can be a great source of inspiration for new ideas!

Finally, good ideas can stem from college assignments. Tina Seelig, Ph.D, asked the students in one of her classes at Stanford University, "What would you do with $5 and 2 hours?", as part of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program.

The goal of this challenge was to see how much money students could make in a short amount of time by using their creativity and ingenuity. Hundreds of students participated, and the results were impressive!

I decided to ask my clients this question, and the answers were varied: launch a membership program, mastermind experience or premium coaching program. Others shared that they would spend the time selling lemonade and baked goods outside of a marijuana dispensary or food and beverages outside of a nightclub. Yet others stated they would wash cars, walk dogs, or provide some other service.

In the end, the students who made the most money were the ones who thought outside the box and came up with creative solutions to the challenge. In other words, they embraced ideation AND execution.

The key takeaway is that there are many ways to help others, and there are many ways to make money. It doesn't matter how much money you have or how much time you have. What matters is what you do with what you have. So what would you do with $500 and two hours? The sky's the limit!

Whether you're a Stanford student or not, I challenge YOU to come up with an entrepreneurial idea and put it into action. You might be surprised at what you can accomplish!

If you need some inspiration, watch this TEDX talk by Steven Johnson "Where Do Good Ideas Come From?'

And if you need even more inspiration, check out this list of 10 business ideas that can be started for less than $100.

  1. Affiliate marketing

  2. Dropshipping E-Commerce Business

  3. Virtual assistant

  4. Social Media Consultant

  5. Consultant

  6. Graphic Design

  7. Website Design

  8. Copywriter

  9. Content Creator

  10. Grant writer

Have you ever had a great idea pop into your head out of nowhere? If so, where were you when it happened? Chances are, you were in one of the seven places we mentioned in this blog post. Good ideas can come from anywhere, and it's important to be open to receiving them when they do!


Now that you know where to find them, what will you do with all of these great ideas? How will you use them to improve your business?

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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