The 5 Social Media Strategies Business Owners Forget But Shouldn’t

Social media is all about connecting with people. It’s a chance to take your business to the next level by increasing connections, building relationships and capitalizing on opportunities that social media provides. Social media has changed how we communicate for the better, but sometimes business owners forget about the “social” part of social media.

They think that they are just using it to reach new customers, when really they are missing out on a huge opportunity to use this platform as a way to connect with their current customers and potential future ones. We are here to remind you that there are 5 strategies that can take your social media game up a notch!

- Posting consistently and frequently on one platform is key. If people don’t have anything interesting to read, they may not come back for more or even worse – unfollow you altogether. You should be posting at least once per day on your business’s primary social media account.

- Posting about an event or contest is a great way to engage with customers and give back at the same time! Not only do contests create buzz, they can also be used as part of your marketing strategy. People love free stuff – especially if it helps them win something awesome like a special prize.

- Show your human side! It’s important to remember that people buy from other humans, not from companies. Create a sense of trust with your audience by showing how you really are on social media and give them a peek into the person behind the business. You never know who will follow through with one of these real connections.

- Follow the 80/20 rule – 80% of your posts should highlight what you do, and 20% can be about fun things. People want to know how awesome it is to work with you or buy from your business so give them a taste of that by highlighting some things on social media! Just remember – keep most of those updates about your business and how awesome it is.

- The most important thing to remember: don’t be afraid of social media! It can feel overwhelming at first, but you will get the hang of it as time goes on. If you keep these tips in mind from the start, your journey with social media should move along a little smoother.

It is totally understandable that as a successful entrepreneur, hanging out online can feel like a waste of time. For this reason, you are encouraged a social media tech to connect with and engage with your audience. Connection, conversation and engagement are the foundation of a solid online marketing campaign. Give yourself permission to be seen, heard, and known online as a person who can support your ideal client with conflict resolution.

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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