How to Increase the Number of Course Registrants

Trying to figure out how to increase the number of course registrants? You're not alone. And you might be wondering why your course isn't resonating with people like it does when you present in person, or on a conference call.

Course registration is tough, but if you want to make more money and have an easier time getting new clients, there are things that you can do to attract participants for your online courses. In this post we'll discuss 9 ways that will help get more registrants for your next course!

- Use social media to promote your course. Share a teaser video or preview image and ask people for their email address in exchange for the full content of the class when it launches

- Offer a pre-launch discount, like 30% off! A lot of courses start out at several hundred dollars, but if you offer those who are interested a chance to register for the course early and save money, they'll be much more likely to sign up

- It's important that you have good imagery in your marketing materials. Clarify your course deliverables and ensure tand ensure that they receive exactly what you've promised and a little something extra. When people don't know what they will receive as a result signing up will get them, then why would they bother? Make sure you spend time looking at other courses online so you'll have an idea of what offers excite your ideal clients

- Give people a reason to register now. Offer something like free access to future content or access to an exclusive Facebook Group, or individual coaching sessions. It is important that they can't get this level of access or service outside of registering with your course

- Make sure you update your website and blog with new information about the upcoming class so those who are interested can learn about it

- Make your courses shorter! Research has shown that people will participate in a course if the length is less than 30 minutes, so you could break up lengthy content into short segments and promote each segment individually. It's much easier to get someone to watch one episode of a TV show on Netflix or Hulu than it is to get someone to watch an entire season, and the same goes for a course

- Offer different levels of content. You could offer your complete course at full price, or you could break it up into segments that range in length from 15 minutes all the way up to 90 minutes and charge accordingly. Your audience might be interested in a different level of content depending on their needs, and this helps make your course more versatile

- Create a free trial. This is the best way to get people interested in what you're offering because they'll be able to look at it for themselves without any risk or obligation. They can try out your long form content without having to commit first!

- Offer one on one coaching, group coaching, masterclass interviews, or a mastermind. People are much more likely to purchase a course if they know you're available for help and guidance both during the course experience and afterwards!

The reality is that people are always looking for ways to learn new skills and grow their careers, but when it comes time to register for a course, they get cold feet. 

Take the time to ensure alignment between their challenge, concern or desire and your solution. Focus on the transformational benefit of working with you. In every video, podcast interview, blog post and marketing collateral, speak with clarity brevity, authority, and compassion. Watch your sales soar!

Ready to Monetize Your Online Course? Absolutely! Join the Women’s Circle of Joy to get started!

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

ECourse Pricing Strategies that Work


7 Online Course Growth Tips: How to Create an Immersive, Engaging and Branded Experience