If you're a business owner, you know that there are three things you need to succeed: problems to solve , a way to generate a profit for you, and a systemized sales process. But it's not enough just to have these things; you must also offer something special that makes people say, "I have to have what she's selling!" And of course, your marketing materials must be congruent with your branding and message. If everything isn't in place, you'll likely lose prospects to someone who does have their act together.

That is exactly what happened to me.....

Let me share why it took me 7+ years to monetize my business. Like many female entrepreneurs, I spent huge amounts of time socializing on various social media channels, writing blog posts, guest blogging, creating videos, recording podcast episodes, creating printables, designing social media graphics, participating in their online communities, hosting free business development sessions, free coaching, free training and engaging in inequitable barters and so on. 

As you can see, I was doing everything EXCEPT "selling"! And therein, lain the problem. I was busy being a free content provider and not focused on monetizing my business.

In this blog post, I will share the 5 actions that propelled me out of failure and into business success.

Create multiple streams of revenue within your business. This means finding products and services you can offer that will help people solve their problems AND generate a profit for you. Offer consulting services, create online courses, sell e-books and other digital products, or create physical products that solve people's problems.

Clarify why people should hire you instead of someone who offers a similar product, service and experience. You must focus on your message and what you have to offer the world. What is your unique selling proposition (USP)? Why should people buy from you instead of someone else?

Spend time crafting a powerful message and magnificent experience that will resonate with your target market. Brand exclusivity is key. You don't want to be like everyone else in your market. Be different and offer something special that makes people say, "I have to have what she's selling!"

Create a systemized sales process that works for you and stick to it! This means having proper procedures in place so that each step of the sales cycle is followed consistently. Prospects must go through a specific set of steps in order to buy from you. If not, they will likely purchase from someone who does have a systemized process in place.

Create valuable content that provides solutions to the problems of your target market. People don't want to be sold to; they want information that will help them solve their problems. So give it to them! Share blog posts, videos, podcasts, social media graphics, etc. that will help them in their lives.

Create templates for all of your marketing materials including: emails, social media posts, website copy, etc. Make sure everything is congruent with your branding and message. Have clear steps for what you want your prospects to do and make it easy for them to take action!

Remember that someone is trying to manifest YOU right now! Get in front of as many people as possible who are a potential fit for your product or service. You can't sell to everyone, so focus on finding your ideal customer and getting in front of them. This means doing market research and creating buyer personas.

Then, develop marketing strategies that will reach these people. Create content that is interesting and useful to them, sponsor events and be a part of groups where they hang out, offer free consultations or trials periods, etc.

Please learn from my mistakes so that you don't make the same ones I did. It took me years to figure this stuff out, and I don't want you to waste that time! You can be generous with people and share your ideas, but you also have to run your business like a business.

To move from failure to success in business demands that you take the time to grow self-confidence and skill mastery, as you explore the urgent problem that you solve, decide what you’re willing to give away for free and what offers require compensation, identify who is actually willing and able to pay for your solution, determine where large numbers of these people hang out online and offline, discover what are the intangible and tangible resources needed to help them, (like time, money, energy, staff, intellectual property, etc.), and clarify how much will it you cost to help them. 

And of course, it goes without saying that the response to these questions must lead you into a business experience where everyone involved feels loved, valued, respected and appreciated, including you.

Yes. I know that this is a tall order. But you would not be reading this blog post if you were not capable of joyful co-creation.

So, please get to work! Now let's keep it real ... sometimes we feel stuck, scattered and confused as to the next best step. If this is you, schedule a consultation with me. Let's determine if I'm the right hire in this next phase of your business growth and expansion. ;-)

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

How to Find Beauty in Business Failure


How I Realized I Was Building a Job, Not a Business