8 Ways to Disrupt the Coaching Industry

In today's fast-paced world, it is critical that coaches keep up with the changes in order to be successful. Leadership skills are needed now more than ever as we enter an exciting new era of innovation and growth for our industry - don't let yourself fall behind! 

If you're not satisfied by what’s happening around your coaching business or if there seem like better opportunities out there then strive towards making positive changes which will benefit everyone involved; start testing boundaries until they break (or fit) into something awesomely different instead . It may take some time but eventually anyone who's anyone will be talking about your business and the new direction it's heading.

Here are eight ways to get started on disrupting the coaching industry:

Be Willing to Take Risks

In order to succeed in business, you have to be willing to take risks. This means being open to new ideas and trying things that may be outside of your comfort zone. If you're not willing to take risks, you'll never be able to achieve greatness.

Stay ahead of the curve by being the first to try new things and taking risks when it comes to your business. For example, Marisa Murgatroyd's Xperiencify platform is disrupting the coaching industry by looking at dopamine triggers and how the brain works. By understanding how people learn, she has been able to create a new gamification based online learning system that helps coaches get better results with their clients.

Create a Unique Selling Proposition

If you want to stand out from the crowd, you need to create unique content. There are a lot of coaches out there who are regurgitating the same old information.

What makes your coaching business different from all the others? What can you offer that no one else can? This is what's known as your unique selling proposition (USP). Your USP is what sets you apart from the competition and is what will make people want to do business with you.

Think outside the box and come up with a USP that will make your coaching business stand out from the rest.

Canva used their imagination to create a new space in the market that people didn’t know they wanted or needed. Canva is disrupting the design industry by making it easy for anyone to create beautiful designs. If you can find a new angle or a new way to deliver your message, you'll be ahead of the game.

Become a thought leader. The coaching industry is ripe for innovation. People want new, fresh perspectives on how to navigate change, overcome challenges and create they own economy.

They want to hear from people who are unafraid to challenge the status quo. If you're ready to take your coaching business to the next level, start positioning yourself as a thought leader.

Be the first to try new things and push the boundaries of what's possible. Begin by sharing your unique perspective on the coaching industry and what it takes to be successful.

Be the authority on your subject matter and make your voice heard. It's not enough to simply have an opinion; you need to be able to back it up with data and research. Write blog posts, give speeches, and host workshops. Use social media, blogs, and even traditional media outlets to get people talking about the issues that matter most to you.

This approach allows you to become the go-to person for information and resources on that topic. You also set yourself apart from those with a similar offering.

Use technology to your advantage. One of the biggest struggles that coaches face is the clarifying the measurable results of their coaching. Technology supports you by providing data that can show the changes in your client.

Learning platforms like Kajabi, Clickfunnels, Funnel Gorgeous, Thinkific, and Teachable are also helping coaches to automate their business and get results for their clients.

Apps like CoachLogix, Paperbell, Satori and Delenta are making it easier for coaches to track progress and goals, as well as connect with clients.

Asana, Evernote, Toggl, Trello and Slack are just a few of the many productivity tools that are available to coaches to help them save time and be more efficient.

Squarespace, Wix, and WordPress are making it easier than ever for coaches to create a professional looking website without having to learn coding.

By using technology to your advantage, you can easily scale your coaching business and get better results for your clients.

Use design thinking as the foundation for disruptive thinking - Give yourself permission to look at the world differently and see things from a new perspective. Doing so helps you come up with fresh ideas and innovative solutions.

You do not have to reinvent the wheel. Build upon something that already provides value. For example, Alexander Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas is an excellent example of how to use design thinking to create unique content. He is disrupting the coaching industry by providing a tool that helps coaches think about their business in a new way.

Steve Blank is a thought leader in the startup space. He created the Customer Development Methodology, which is a process for startups to validate their business idea. This process has been adopted by many startups and has helped them save time and money.

Alexander Osterwalder took Blank's methodology one step further with his Business Model Canvas. As a revenue strategist and contributing author in Osterwalder ‘s book “Business Model You”, the Business Model Canvas is a tool that helps me support businesses with their growth and expansion goals. Together we innovate their business model by mapping out their value proposition, key resources, cost structure, and revenue streams.

Methodkit, Strategy Tools and the Board of Innovation are 3 great examples of how design thinking is being used to disrupt the coaching industry. These platform provides coaches with the tools they need to think differently and come up with new solutions.

Think outside the box. Be open to change and willing to experiment. This is how new ideas are born – by taking risks and trying something different. So don't be afraid to fail, because it's through failure that we learn and grow.

Philanthropic Futurist Trista Harris of FutureGood Studio is an excellent example of how to think outside the box. She is disrupting the coaching industry by using futurism tools to help visionary leaders build a better future. She does this by thinking outside the traditional coaching model and using her own unique methods.

Building a community around your brand is another great way to disrupt the coaching industry. People want to feel like they belong to something and that they are part of a movement.

LaShanda "SistaSense" Henry and Tiffany "The Budgetnista" Aliche are great examples of how to build a community around your brand. Both women are disrupting the coaching industry by helping people connect with each other and feel like they are part of something bigger.

By being personal and building a community, you can create a powerful connection with your clients that will help you stand out from the crowd.

Innovate your pricing model. The traditional coaching model is based on the hourly rate. But there are other ways to price your services that can be more effective.

Tiered pricing, subscription models, and pay-as-you-go models are all great alternatives to the traditional hourly rate.

By innovating your pricing model, you can make your coaching more accessible to a wider audience and get better results for your clients.

Be personal. In a world where people are constantly bombarded with marketing messages, being personal is a breath of fresh air. People want to work with coaches who they feel like they know and can trust.

Pam Perry is a great example of how to be personal. Many of her clients were authors and coaches struggling with the visibility needed to share their message. Her Ready Set Go Speak program and the Branding Accelerator are disrupting the coaching industry by teaching aspiring and established speakers how to be real and relatable. Her clients feel like she is their best friend and that she really understands them.

The bottom line is that if you want to disrupt the coaching industry, you need to be willing to think differently and take risks. Be personal, build a community, and use technology to your advantage. And most importantly, don't be afraid to fail. Because it's through failure that we learn grow.

So there you have it – eight ways to disrupt the coaching industry. Which one will you try first? Let us know in the comments below how you’d like to use your Imagination, Creativity and Innovation to Disrupt the Coaching Industry.

Blog post updated 16 March 2022.

No affiliate codes are used in this article.

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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