7 Concierge MVP Examples to Spark Your Creativity

If you're looking for some creative inspiration, look no further! In this blog post, we will discuss seven Concierge MVP examples that will help get your business off the ground.

A Concierge MVP is a great way to test out your product or service without investing too much time or money. Let's take a look at these seven examples and see how they can help you get started on your own Concierge MVP.

Example #01: Food Delivery Service

If you're looking to start a food delivery service, your Concierge MVP could look something like this:

You can invite a local restaurant to partner with you and offer a discount for delivery. Next, you would need to find customers who are interested in using your service. You could promote your service through word-of-mouth or online ads. Once you have a few customers, you can begin delivery! This MVP example is a great way to test out your food delivery service without investing too much time or money.

Example #02: Ride-sharing Service

Another great Concierge MVP example is a ride-sharing service. To get started, you would need to find a few drivers who are willing to use your service. You could then promote your service through online ads or word-of-mouth. Once you have a few customers, you can begin offering rides! This MVP example is a great way to test out your ride-sharing service without investing too much time or money.

Example #03: Home Cleaning Service

If you're looking to start a home cleaning service, your Concierge MVP could look something like this:

You would need to find a few customers who are interested in using your service. Next, you would need to find cleaners who are willing to work for you. Once you have a team of cleaners, you can begin offering your services! This MVP example is a great way to test out your home cleaning service without investing too much time or money.

Example #04: Dog-walking Service

Another great Concierge MVP example is a dog-walking service. To get started, you would need to find a few customers who are interested in using your service. You could then promote your service through online ads or word-of-mouth. Once you have a few customers, you can begin offering walks! This MVP example is a great way to test out your dog-walking service without investing too much time or money.

Example #05: Personal Shopping Service

If you're looking to start a personal shopping service, your Concierge MVP could look something like this:

You would need to find a few customers who are interested in using your service. Next, you would need to find stores that are willing to partner with you. Once you have a few stores on board, you can begin offering your services! This MVP example is a great way to test out your personal shopping service without investing too much time or money.

Example #06: Event Planning Service

Another great Concierge MVP example is an event planning service. To get started, you would need to find a few customers who are interested in using your service. You could then promote your service through online ads or word-of-mouth. Once you have a few customers, you can begin offering your services! This MVP example is a great way to test out your event planning service without investing too much time or money.

Example #07: Virtual Assistant Service

If you're looking to start a virtual assistant service, your Concierge MVP could look something like this:

You would need to find a few customers who are interested in using your service. Next, you would need to find assistants who are willing to work for you. Once you have a team of assistants, you can begin offering your services! This MVP example is a great way to test out your virtual assistant service without investing too much time or money.

These seven Concierge MVP examples should help get your creative juices flowing and give you an idea of how you can get started on your own Concierge MVP. Remember, a Concierge MVP is a great way to test out your product or service without investing too much time or money.

Which of these 7 examples do you think would work best for your business? Let us know in the comments below!

Do you have an idea for a Concierge MVP but don't know where to start? Schedule a consult with Kadena and we'll help you get started! We can't wait to see what you come up with! `

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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