How Speakers REALLY Make Money: The Hidden Revenue Streams

There is a lot of money to be made in the speaking industry. In fact, many speakers make more money from other sources than they do from speaking itself. This may come as a surprise to you. You may think that being a speaker is the "top of the iceberg" and that the real money lies in getting paid to speak. While this is true, there are many other revenue streams that can be tapped into. In this blog post, we will explore some of these hidden revenue streams and discuss how you can start making more money as a speaker!

Back of Room Sales: One of the most common hidden revenue streams for speakers is back of room sales. This simply means selling products or services to audience members after you have finished your presentation. There are a number of different ways to do this, and it can be extremely lucrative. Some speakers sell their own products, while others promote other people's products. You can also offer consulting services or create audio or video products based on your presentation. Whatever you choose to do, make sure you have a system in place for taking orders and processing payments.

Audio Products: Another great way to make money as a speaker is by selling audio products. This could include CDs, MP downloads, or even streaming audio files. Audio products are a great way to reach a wider audience and make more money. You can sell these products in the back of your room, or you can create an online store on your website for people who are interested but not able to attend a live event.

Video Products: There is also another hidden revenue stream that many speakers have tapped into - video products! This includes videos from their presentations as well as other content such as interviews with experts or behind-the-scenes footage. These are great ways to monetize your speaking business because they allow you to reach a much larger audience than just those at live events would be exposed to normally (and if they do come it's usually only because they've been told there will be free food...which might not always be the case...)

Masterclasses: Another great way to make money as a speaker is by offering masterclasses. This is a more in-depth version of your presentation that goes into greater detail on the topic you are speaking about. Masterclasses can be offered as standalone events or as part of a larger program. They are a great way to attract new clients and generate additional revenue.

Group Coaching Programs: Group coaching programs are another great way to make money as a speaker. These are programs that allow participants to learn from you over an extended period of time. This could include weekly webinars, monthly coaching calls, or even an annual retreat. Group arching programs offer many benefits for both speakers and participants alike. Speakers get paid for their expertise while participants gain valuable insight into how they can improve themselves.

Membership Programs: Membership programs are a great way to make money as a speaker. These allow participants access to exclusive content and events that you don't offer anywhere else. You could create your own website or use an existing platform like Patreon or Gumroad to manage memberships and payments easily with minimal effort on your part (and no coding required). This is perfect if you're looking for recurring revenue streams without having too much work involved... because there's nothing worse than being busy all the time when really what you want is passive income!

Mastermind Groups: Mastermind groups are another great way to make money as a speaker. These consist of people who are interested in the same topic and want to learn from one another. You can set up your own group on Facebook or other social media platforms, but there are also companies that specialize in setting up these groups for you (for a fee).

Resources: Another great way to make money as a speaker is by creating resources for your audience. This could include books, videos, podcasts...etc! These are great because they allow you to reach more people than just those at live events would be exposed to normally – plus if someone really enjoys what they heard during their presentation then chances are good that person will go out looking for more information about this subject matter afterwards anyways so why not capitalize on this opportunity? And since we're talking about resources here (*cough* like this blog post) don't forget about me either please :)

Other Things To Consider: There are many other ways that you can make money as a speaker, but these are some of the most common. Just remember not every revenue stream will work for everyone so keep experimenting until you find what works best with your personality and style! The key is to have fun while doing it because after all isn’t life supposed to be lived abundantly anyways? Enjoy yourself πŸ™‚

The question is "Are YOU stepping over dollars to pick up dimes?" by only generating revenue from your speaker fee? If ready to up level your brand, get enrolled TODAY in the Kadena Tate's Business Model Experience. Uncover the hidden revenue streams in your speaking business!

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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Speakers, Hone in on Your Niche