Six Ways to Turn a Conference Speaking Gig into a Marketing Opportunity

Sometimes an association, academy, club or nonprofit has a limited budget. Instead of saying "no", think about all the ways you could enter into a mutually beneficial relationship.

For starters, if you have been asked to waive or reduce your fee to speak at a conference, don't see it as an expense, but rather as an opportunity. In this blog post, we will discuss 6 ways to turn a conference speaking gig into a marketing opportunity!

Speak Where People Are Already Gathered

When you are speaking at someone else's conference, you have the ability to reach a large number of people who are all interested in what you have to say. Keep in mind that you did not have to market the event or "sell" the people on why they are in attendance. They are already there because they want to learn and grow their knowledge.

The majority of the people in attendance will likely be decision makers or have purchasing power. This is your opportunity to reach out and make a personal connection with them so you can market yourself as the expert speaker for their next event!

Collect Names and Email Addresses

When it comes to marketing, collecting contact information is key. By having an Excel file (or any other type of list) with the attendee's name and email address, you can add them to your database for future marketing efforts.

This also allows you to follow-up after the conference has ended. You could send them a link to a recording of your presentation or even offer a discount on a future purchase.

Design a workbook or series of handouts

Create brand awareness and generate leads long after the conference has ended by providing handouts or other materials that attendees can take with them. These materials can reinforce the points that you made during your presentation, and they can also help people remember who you are and what you do. Make sure to include your contact information on these materials so that people will be able to get in touch with you after the conference.

Create a Swag Bag Item

Another way to market yourself as the expert speaker is by providing an item that has your branding on it. This could be anything from a pen to a notepad to even a t-shirt!

When people see your logo or name, they will automatically think of you and what you have to offer. Not only does this create brand awareness, but it also gives people something tangible that they can use long after the conference has ended.

Brainstorm Solutions with Your Audience

During your presentation, gather information on what products and services attendees are interested in. This can be done by asking questions, playing games, or even conducting a survey.

Once you have this information, you can reach out to the attendees after the conference and let them know that you are available to provide solutions that meet their needs. This is a great way to start building long-term relationships with potential clients!

Create Engagement through Social Media

Make sure to take advantage of all the social media platforms available to you in order to create engagement. This could be anything from posting pictures and video of your time at the conference, to live tweeting during your presentation.

Not only will this help people who were not able to attend feel like they are a part of the event, but it also gives you great content for future blog posts or even eBooks!

When it comes to turning a conference speaking gig into a marketing opportunity, the sky's the limit! Use your creativity and come up with ideas that will help you stand out from the competition. By taking advantage of all the resources that are available to you, you can increase your chances of making valuable connections that could lead to future business opportunities!


What other ways have you turned a speaker opportunity into a marketing win ?

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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