YES, Your Business DOES Belong in the Spotlight

Hi! My name is Kadena, and I am the owner of a small marketing boutique in Dallas. When I first started my company, it was just me. There were no employees or partners to help out with the workload.

As time went on, however, I realized that my business had grown so much that it needed more people working for it too. It was at this point when things really got interesting!

I discovered the gaps in my business model. I discovered that I needed to up level my thoughts around asking for and receiving support. I discovered that my lack of documenting processes made communication with my virtual assistant, web designer and copywriter quite challenging. I discovered that I needed standard operating procedures, job descriptions and systems.

And on top of that I was grossly over giving and under-earning. 95% of my business was referred, and although I felt tremendously grateful, I wasn't earning enough to pay my team with ease. Every month I was stressed out and worried about I was going to make payroll and feed myself.

To outsiders, I looked confident, but in candor, my self-esteem was plummeting. The spotlight felt laser focused on everything that I needed to get together so it wasn't "fun".

Thank goodness around this time I took the leap and pulled money out of my 401K to hire a coach and a project manager, and they helped me to up level my thinking, implement systems, delegate and have compassion for myself and my team members.

I also discovered that I was telling myself and others a huge lie. I said that I was happy working behind the scenes, creating marketing campaigns and revenue strategy without compliment. The truth is I felt unappreciated and taken for granted. I felt invisible and unsupported. It would take therapy to help me see my own cowardice. You see, I needed to cultivate the courage to be seen and heard. The reality is that when YOU get sick and tired of being sick and tired, you will leap out of the comfort zone of mediocrity.

To be seen on tv, heard on the radio, sell more books, secure more speaking engagements, or host sold out global events, learning how to design relevant and proven marketing campaigns that foster authority, influence, visibility, and profitability is essential.

You can’t start a revolution if no one knows who you are.

Yes! YOUR business belongs in the spotlight. Why? Because someone right now, is trying to manifest YOU and the solution you bring to the table. They can't find you if you are hiding. So stop. Stop playing small. Stand up. Be loud and proud about the value you bring.

Be the sparkle in their eye, and they will be your best customer.

There are so many people who need to know what you have to offer! Let's connect soon , I'd love to help you channel your inner superstar and be so outstanding that people can’t help noticing, sharing, and choosing you.

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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