13 Ways to Increase Engagement and Conversions

Did you know that posting about your life has the potential to increase engagement and conversions? It's true! There’s so much more to life than your 9 to 5.

When you post pictures of your lifestyle, people are more likely to buy from you. This is because they feel like they can connect with you on a personal level and know what type of person they're dealing with. Plus, it takes away the pressure of being in a sales position all the time which will make them want to stay longer on your page - this means more chances for conversion!

Give these 13 tips a try today for increased engagement and conversion rates.

Don't Be Afraid Yo Show Your Personality Online.

Post About Your Life - If you only post about your business, it's easy for people to lose interest. People want to entertained, inspired and educated. Talking excessively about your products and services can be boring. Step into your humanity. Show them what else goes on in your life with posts that aren't related to your brand at all. This will allow them to get a deeper look into the type of person you are and make it easier for them to relate.

Post Photos In Your Niche that Show Off Your Brand’s Personality.

As I mentioned above, not everything has to be about your business! If you're an interior designer, post photos from home improvement magazines and websites. If you're an author and speaker, post photos of you at a book signing or on stage speaking.

Post Photos of Products You’re Using in Your Life to Show How They Can Be Applied in the Real World.

This tactic will help you convey your product's benefits without sounding like a walking advertisement for it all day long! If you're selling an iPhone case, post photos of yourself using that iPhone case.

Post Fun Photos That will Make You Appear like a Well-Rounded Person.

If you only post about your business, people are going to think that's all you do with your life which is why they won't want to invest in what you're selling - it'll be too one dimensional for them! Instead, share photos that show off your personality and what makes you tick.

Post Photos of Your Family and Friends to Show Who Influences You the Most in Life!

After all, we're not just our business - we have a life outside of it too! If people see how much you care about other things besides selling them something, they're more likely to trust you.

Respond to Comments and Engage With Your Audience.

When people comment on posts about your life, don't just ignore them. Make sure to respond so they know you're reading their feedback and appreciate what they have to say.

The best way to increase conversions is by engaging with your audience and providing them with value. When you interact, they're more likely to come back again in the future where hopefully they'll make a purchase from you! Responding can also help for when people need support or have questions about your products - you want to be available for them!

Share Your Humor 

Did your pre-schooler tell a funny story at breakfast? Feel free to share it. Did you have a funny conversation with your bestie, teenager, or grandparent? Share it. Everybody needs a little pick me up during the day and laughing also releases stress.

Share Your Weekend Plans

Let's keep it real, not every weekend is the same. Some weekends are filled with family time while others might be filled with travel plans or events you're attending for your business. Be honest and transparent about what goes on in your life!

These simple tips will help you to develop a relationship where people get to know, like, and trust you.

Share Your Philanthropic Activities

Did you volunteer at a soup kitchen? Did you help make blankets for the homeless? Share it! People love to hear about other people's good deeds and charitable activities. The best part is that you’ll bring awareness to a local business and/or charity.

Love to Travel? Share Your Favorite Tips and Locations

Whether you travel for business or strictly for pleasure, sharing your notes of your favorite locations will help others planning a business retreat or conference.

These types of posts are also great for starting conversations about vision boards and bucket lists. Even if your customers don’t travel, they can still live vicariously through you!

Share Your Lunchtime View

Almost everyone enjoys leaving the office for lunch so why not settle in at a park, by the water, or on the beach and share your view on Instagram. Even if you’re stuck inside during bad weather, your view can stir up fun conversations.

Show Them Your Favorite Hobbies

How do you relax after a long day’s work? What pulls at your heart strings and really motivates you to push through your work load so you can enjoy your free time? Hobbies are a wonderful way to engage people in your posts. Show pictures of your workspace, your finished project, or simply share how you discovered this hobby. 

Showcase what makes you YOU

That's it! These are just a few ideas of what to share online that still shows you’re a real person with a real life outside of work. Sharing these glimpses into your personality and your life will attract your audience.

These are just a few fun ways to lighten up the mood on Instagram and to increase your engagement with your followers. These types of lists are really unlimited in length because you are so uniquely different from every other person in the world.

By using these techniques, your conversion rates will soar and people won't get burned out on seeing what you have to offer because everything is so well-rounded. Try them today for increased conversions !

BONUS: Create a Great Newsletter Signup Form.

The last step you should take is creating an amazing sign up form that will allow people who are interested in your brand to join your email list. This way, you can stay engaged with your audience and continue providing value all the time - how great is that?!

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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