How To Easily Make Yourself Stand Out In A Crowded Industry

Do you have a hard time getting people to notice you and your work?

Do you feel like you’re running in circles and if only someone would notice how amazing you are it would change everything?

It’s time for you to get off the hamster wheel and get on the path to a successful business.

You deserve a thriving business that stands out in your industry while also honoring you and your ultimate vision.

Standing out in your industry is easier than most people tell you it is. They want you to think that you need an MBA to be able to understand differentiation, but you know I am here to illuminate the truth.

You are unique in your own right, and there are many different ways to show it so potential clients understand right away how you can serve them better than someone with a similar offering.

Here are 3 easy to implement  strategies to help you leapfrog the market and make the concept of competition irrelevant:

  1. What language do you use? I’ll bet anything it’s the same terminology about 99% of the time.  Follow Starbucks and create your own terminology. By switching up your language you are automatically perceived as a rebel, trailblazer and someone who does not conduct “business as usual”.   For example, my industry is pretty crowded and most call themselves a business coach whereas I am a revenue strategist.  That brings out a much different feeling and sets me apart. Now obviously, this means that I must actually walk my talk.  My passion is helping entrepreneurs to quickly generate revenue while honoring the interests of all parties involved. 

  2. Can you make your services different? Some of the other coaches in my industry have very similar products and services. I created The Business Model Experience as a way to stand out in my industry. My intention is to provide a unique and collaborative experience rather than the usual sit in a room and listen to the teacher/preacher experience. 

  3. Bring your own experiences to your business. No one has been through what you have been through and you bring a completely different view than anyone else in your industry. Sharing your own personal stories, setbacks, and successes will help you stand out in the sea of sameness.

Share in the comments what brands you think have done a good job of standing out in their industry!

If you desire even more guidance, what are you waiting for? Get signed up for the Business Model Experience!

Post updated 1 February 2019


Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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