Your Business Suffers when You Are Spiritually Disconnected

Far too many of you are wandering around, feeling a huge disconnect in your life. You are not listening to your intuition or the still, small voice of God providing wise counsel and inner guidance.

When you are spiritually disconnected you want to pick petty fights, feel constantly exhausted, every single day is a drain, and you question the purpose of life all together. All of these are symptoms that you are disconnected from your spirit. Unfortunately your peace of mind, relationships, health, wealth and business suffer when you are spiritually disconnected from who you were created to be.

You were put here to fulfill a mission, to serve, to help others. When you feel disconnected from that purpose, that pain shows up in all of the areas of your life, both personally and professionally. For example, working at a job that you hate is not God's plan. Far too often you try to contort yourself to fit into the vision that your parents and friends have for you. You think you are doing what everyone else wants and expects, but in reality you aren't being true to yourself or God's will. This is a recipe for disaster in any industry.

Finding a path that honors your inner calling is something I specialize in and I see so many women struggle with this. When you are on a path that honors your spiritual, emotional, and physical needs, your whole life begins to light up. People will call you lucky because you are a lightening rod of creative inspiration, paying clients and joy-filled experiences.

Although it may seem impossible, you can find a way to reconnect with your spirit, passion and purpose. Societal messaging around a woman’s worth and purpose can easily spin you into feelings of self-doubt and perfectionism. What I know with absolute certainty is that you are worthy and deserving of your dreams. The same way that you desire to educate, entertain and inspire others, those people want to be on the receiving end of the experience of you.

Being an entrepreneur requires self-compassion, self-acceptance, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-care. If you’ve been socialized to put the needs of everyone else first, learning how to give that same attentive treatment back to yourself may be challenging. You may think it feels selfish to care about what you want out of life.

Nothing is further from the truth. I am here to tell you that it is only selfish to make yourself miserable. If you aren’t happy, you can’t possibly serve the world in a meaningful way.

Here are some of my tips to helping my clients reconnect:

Enjoy some time alone.

In our busy world it is hard to stay connected with our spiritual guiding force. Between emails, phone calls, meetings, taking care of the kids, and everything else this modern day demands from us, we get caught up in other people and their expectations for our lives.

Connect with the things you love.

Sometimes doing an activity we used to love can ignite a spark in our spirit to remind us what we truly enjoy doing. Getting back in touch with our passions can light up parts of our brains we have long abandoned.

Hire a coach.

Sometimes you need someone on the outside to help you root yourself back in your purpose. It's much better to be proactive about things rather than waiting for the worst to happen. I help my clients develop a clear strategy so that they can experience a truly fulfilling life.

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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