The Most Important Word In Business

What’s the most important word in business?

Did you guess:





All of those are important, but the most important word is: YES!

“Yes!” is what you want your potential customer to say when they come to your website.

“Yes!” is what you want them to say when they see the services you offer.

“Yes!” is what you want them to say when they hire you.

Anything less than an enthusiastic “Yes!” is a missed sale.

The question is: How do you get them enthusiastic about you?

Here are some simple tips to get customers raving about you and get them saying YES:

Use the language they use.

We have all seen too much industry jargon out on the Internet and nothing will turn your customers off more than sounding like a robot. Use the language your customers use. Study them, interview them, and read through all the scripts with a fine toothcomb making notes where words are commonly used.

Break down the big decisions for them.

Put yourself in their shoes and imagine all of objections they would have about hiring you. Then, find the reason why those objections aren’t true. Break down each and every barrier so the only thing left they have to say is, “Yes.”

Create deadlines.

Give them a time frame to make their decisions by. If they have forever to decide, they might take that long. It will also give you the ability to look at your calendar and know what is coming your way. Being in demand is a big deal when it comes to securing new clients. People like to feel included in a select group.

Get testimonials. 

Getting other people to swear by your work improves your chances of becoming a “no-brainer” when it comes to hiring you.

Come to the Business Model Experience.

Creating a carefully crafted message isn’t easy. Getting in alignment with your inner core and how that relates to your business is the secret to building a six-figure business. This is how I help my clients get their businesses to the next level they have always dreamed about.

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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