The Power Of Embracing Discomfort

Would you want your days to be the same from here until forever?

Most of us wouldn’t. We want different days, we want to experience new things, and we want to reach new goals.

Of course, with any growth can come setbacks. With the bad comes the good, just like the infamous ying and yang.

Something that is hard to remember is that so much good can come out of a setback. You get to get in touch with who you are and how you can create a better plan.

Discomfort is essential for the growth of your business and also who you are as a person.

One thing you must do when you are experiencing discomfort is to get in touch with yourself and determine if you are doing something that is truly out of alignment with who you are as a person and your ultimate vision or if you are just experiencing growing pains.

This will require some soul searching and maybe some vision planning to get back in touch with your true soul’s alignment.

Here are some great reminders for when you are experiencing the discomfort of growing pains:

  1. Ask yourself, “What is the lesson here?” Focusing on something you can learn and grow from will help you take the discomfort and be able to spin it in a positive light.

  2. Spend some time on feeling good again. Get a massage, go out for a girls night, go for a long walk, just do anything where you can bring yourself back to the present.

  3. Refocus on your main mission in life. Why are you growing as a person? How is this getting you closer to your ultimate vision?

  4. Embrace gratitude for the discomfort. Combating a feeling like discomfort with gratitude can make the negative feelings leave your body.

If you need some more clarity and can’t seem to get out of the discomfort, I created the Business Model Experience for people specifically like you.

Leave a comment below sharing a period of your life where you experienced discomfort and how you grew from it

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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