What Results Do You Deliver?

In 2014, for the first time ever, the number of Internet users around the world surpassed 2 billion. The amount of information available on the web is overwhelming and it's getting harder to keep our attention on one thing. This is a huge problem because without your audience's attention, you can't make any money online.

Keeping attention is the currency of the Internet. If you lose attention immediately, that will impact your ability to build an audience.

There is an exercise I would like you to do. Pretend you are a stranger at your own website.

How long does it take you to figure out exactly what you’re offering and the problems you solve?

Does your website get your target market to scream, “This is EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for!” Or is it vague and make them say, “This sounds good but it’s not exactly what I need.”

As I always say, authenticity has no competition and once you are in touch with what your unique gift is, it’s simply a matter of being able to express it to the world.

The goal is to get them immediately searching for how to contact you so they can get started.

Here are some tips to get your value proposition to help you:

Narrow it down.

How long is your value proposition? It shouldn’t be more than a sentence or two. If it is any longer than that you will lose their attention.

Communicate the end result immediately.

What results do you deliver? Your potential customers need to know the results you give them, and make sure you let them know right away instead of making them guess.

Write down all of the results your clients have received from working with you. What top two would speak to your target market the most? Use those in your value proposition.

Make your value proposition clear across all of your channels.

We all have websites, social media, business cards, and so on, but our message isn’t always consistent across each channel. Make sure single people from every channel know exactly how you specifically can solve their problems.

Use visuals.

Like they say, a picture is worth 1,000 words. If there is a great image, logo, or visual you could incorporate into your marketing, make sure to include it.

Still not sure what your value proposition is? 

Are you crystal clear on what steps are needed to leapfrog the market and make the idea of competition irrelevant in your niche? If, not , this is your invitation to join me at the Business Model Experience!

There is a lot of chatter out there about business and sometimes having someone by your side to guide you through it essential. We believe that your truest point of differentiation is you giving yourself permission to be wholly you. The world is filled with cookie-cutter brands , which is why at the Business Model Experience, we help you to both discover and embody your unique value proposition.

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

Be Someone's YES!


Getting Unstuck