Comfort Zone - Place of Incredible Potential

Comfort zones sometimes feel like sanctuaries, but no creative idea, loud and confident voice, pleasurable outcome or satisfaction can ever grow there.

But they can grow from there, once you know that there is other, different and much larger stage for you where you find your own comfort. Not by surrounding yourself in it, but by creating it for yourself, then trusting your bold and creative self to expand it to the rest of the world.

Knowing what gets you to such place is an art individually crafted. What you might want is rooted in the determination within you. 

Look for it. Get to know it. Embrace it. Nurture it.

Here are 8 ideas on how to exit the comfort zone and step onto a bigger stage with a positive sense of expectancy:

  • Clarity - As an entrepreneur, a comfort zone can easily become a place of stagnant energy. You may feel that you’re going through the motions, and it might even start to seem like a struggle just to get out of bed. However, if you can recognize your comfort zone as a place where all your best work goes on hold – a place where incredible ideas go ignored or forgotten – then maybe it's time to take action!Therefore, you need a well-defined sense of purpose and values alignment.

  • Compassion for self and others - an understanding that different people have different interests in what they want from you

  • The right team - You need people who are dedicated and passionate about what you do even more than their own life's work.

  • Appropriate resources - It is important to have the best tools for the job so you can maintain your success.

  • A positive mind set - Being able to cope with all that comes at you in a game of this magnitude helps tremendously. Also having the ability to accept feedback and use it constructively.

  • A willingness to take action - the desire to learn something new in your life or work every day. Our comfort zones are often places where we feel safe and secure, free to be ourselves without fear of judgement or ridicule. It's also true that many people use their comfort zone as an excuse not to grow or explore new things. The problem with this type of thinking is that by staying in your comfort zone you're never able to find out what else life has in store for you!

  • Patience- You will need time to adjust and grow into this new position before it becomes second nature

  • Unwavering focus and resilience - This means pushing yourself past any obstacles that might come your way.

There is a Japanese proverb that says: “Fall seven times and stand up eight.” This suggests, if you keep falling down – getting back on your feet won't be as hard the next time around. In other words, there's no reason to stay stuck in any kind of rut for too long! You just need to find the right motivation to keep pushing through.

This is where your comfort zone can become a place of incredible potential, once you've decided it's time to take action! When you're in this state of mind (and not stuck inside an endless cycle), there are no limits on what you can achieve or accomplish. You may even surprise yourself with what you're able to achieve.

It's important not to confuse the need for a comfort zone with inertia; this is because without knowing where your limits are, it can be difficult to push yourself further towards change and growth! So rather than stay stuck in one place forever – like some kind of stagnant pond – make sure that you're always moving forwards, even if it's at a very slow pace.

In the end, your comfort zone can be either an excuse for stagnation – or a place of endless potential! The choice is yours to make. Don't forget that you're ultimately responsible for taking action and creating change in your life.

If you want something different from what you're currently experiencing, then nothing can stop you from making it happen!

The reality is “the bigger stage is there for you to play on”, and truth be told, you have everything you need within you to bring in more pleasure, play, and profit.

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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