Problem - Agitate - Solution Potent Copywriting Strategy

In most cases, people are simply scrolling through various website until something catches their eye.

If you want to stand out and make sure your visitors stop scrolling, and buy from you on your website, then employ the Problem - Agitate - Solution copywriting strategy.

Originally created by legendary copywriter John Caples, PAS Strategy has been proven time and again as an effective way to grab people's attention and convert more visitors into paying customers.

This powerful formula consists of three steps: problem - agitate - solution.

The first step is identifying a problem that people are experiencing and helping them to see that toleration is not required, and a solution is available.

The second step is tapping into the emotions that have kept them in the space of overwhelm, anxiety, distress, stuckness, and so on. By speaking directly to the emotions, you're letting them know that you understand and can support them in solving the problem at hand.

Lastly, offer your own product or service as the ultimate solution and provide an easy way for customers to buy it from you!

If you've been following me for awhile, you know that I don't like speaking in an abstract manner. Therefore, I'll share a behind the scenes peek at my brand to give you an idea of how I used the PAS Copywriting formula when writing the marketing and sales copy for my book “Cultivating Courage: The Path to Reclaiming Your Power.”

“Terrified that you’ll die with your potential locked inside? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. However, stay that way and you’ll never achieve the desires of your heart and live the life of your dreams. Fortunately, author and speaker Kadena Tate wrote “Cultivating Courage: The Path to Reclaiming Your Power” that will teach you how to crush fear and step into your best self and the life you truly desire and deserve. Buy it now”

See how easy that was? Let’s apply what you’ve learned to your business.

What is creating pain, challenge, difficulty or worry in the life of your ideal client? What emotions are preventing your ideal client from getting a good night’s sleep? What product, service, or program do you offer as a pain reliever? What are the primary and secondary benefits of working with you versus someone with a similar offer?

In the comment section, please share how you intend to put the formula to work in your business.

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

Celebrating Your Client’s Inner Wisdom


Marketing Is About People, NOT Faceless Data