Marketing Is About People, NOT Faceless Data


Many marketers see data as the ultimate goal. They use it to determine where they should spend their time and money, and what ads they should create. But focusing on data too much can hurt your business in the long run! 

For example, as a professional speaker, you might take a look at the total number of people registered for your webinar. That number in and of itself only indicates how many people registered. It is NOT an indicator of the entire story. Further questions about who registered, why they registered, what they want, need and desire from your webinar, how they came across the webinar invite, or even if they will actually attend the webinar must also be taken into consideration.

Marketing is not just a numbers game. It's about the people. The human element is what makes marketing so powerful and effective. Most of the time, you're not just trying to sell a product or service; you want people to take action on your behalf. And for this kind of engagement to work properly, there needs to be some sort of emotional connection between the brand and its audience members.

This means that you can't just focus on the numbers and statistics; you need to consider how people think, what they want, and why they're doing something.

The bottom line is that marketing isn't about the data at all - it's about using this information in a way that makes sense for your business or brand. Marketing may seem like an intimidating topic, but it doesn't have to be! You just need the right information and a good plan.

It is a good idea to remember that your ideal clients are bombarded with advertisements and other forms of promotion every single day. Your company must stand out in order for prospective customers to become interested enough to keep listening. This means that creativity is required to drive people to your webinar.

Case in point, as you look across the landscape of social media, you'll see viral videos. A video goes “viral” when it spreads rapidly from person to person. Viral videos are shared, viewed, and talked about online all over the world - often millions of times within a few days or weeks!

There is not one single thing that makes a video go viral. Many different things can contribute to making something become popular on social media sites like YouTube or Facebook including: an interesting topic, very funny content, shocking images/videos, amazing music used in the background. etc. What each of these have in common is resonance and relevance in the mind of the ideal client.

With that in mind, you are encouraged to strengthen your understanding of the psychographics of your ideal client. It doesn't matter how many books you read, or courses you take, marketing will always be about matching your value proposition to the needs to the emotional, mental, physical, financial, sexual, technological and spiritual needs of your ideal client. Therefore you must use the data as a tool to support connection, conversation, collaboration and conversion.

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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