SEO Tips Every Business Owner Needs to Know

One of the most common ways for businesses to generate new customers is by using search engine optimization (SEO) techniques such as keyword research and content creation strategies that target specific keywords related to their industry.

In this post we'll go through some simple steps you can take today in order improve your organic search rankings with Google.

This blog post will cover: what SEO is; why it's important; how do do keyword research? What are meta titles/descriptions? How should I write my content so people can find me online? And finally - how to track results.

What is SEO?

SEO is the practice of optimizing a website for Google search with the goal of earning higher web traffic levels and improving the visibility of the site.

Why is SEO important?

85% percent of all internet users start their searches on Google, so if your website isn't ranking well in those results, you're losing out on a lot of potential business. Not only that, but good SEO can also help improve brand awareness and increase sales leads and conversions.

How do I do keyword research?

Keyword research is one of the most important aspects of SEO - it's how you find out what people are searching for online related to your industry or product/service. The best way to do this is by using a tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner, which will show you how many people are searching for specific keywords each month. You can also use the Google Trends tool to see how popular (or unpopular) certain keywords are.

What are meta titles/descriptions?

Meta titles and descriptions are the two pieces of information that appear in search engine results pages (SERPs). The title is the blue link text that appears under the main site header, while the description is a brief snippet of text that appears below the title. They're both important for enticing users to click through to your website, so it's important to make sure they're well written and accurately reflect what your website is about.

How should I write my content so people can find me online?

SEO is all about writing for your audience - not just search engines! When you're creating new blog posts, articles or other content on the internet make sure it's optimized with keywords that relate to what people are searching for related to their industry or product/service.

The best way to do this is by using a tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner which shows how many users are typing in specific keyword phrases each month (and where they came from).

You can also use the Google Trends tool see if certain words or topics have become more popular since last time we checked them out."

How can I track my results?

There are tools out there that let you keep track of how your SEO efforts are doing. Google Webmaster Tools is a free tool that provides information about web traffic, indexed pages and clicks on specific search engine results.

So now you know what SEO is; why it's important; how to do keyword research; create meta titles/descriptions; write content people will want to read so they click through to your site; and finally - how to track the success of your efforts over time!

Let's review some general rules for optimizing your website with keywords:

1) Make sure every page on your website has an appropriate title tag (and make sure it accurately reflects what the page is about ).

2) Include keywords and phrases in your meta description tags (and try to keep them under 160 characters each).

3) Make sure every page on your website has unique, compelling content that appeals to your target audience.

4) Use internal link building to point back to other relevant pages on your website so they can be found by search engines.

5) Write content for people first, not just search engines - the more valuable and engaging it is for your users, the better new visitors you can bring in through search results!

6) Optimize images with keywords where possible.

7) Submit a sitemap file containing all of the URLs of pages on your site that you want indexed by Google.

8) Submit a robots.txt file containing instructions for search engine bots crawling your website.

9) Update and monitor social media profiles, especially Google+ if possible!

If you have any questions or would like us to explain anything in further detail feel free to contact us - we'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for reading, and good luck with your SEO efforts!

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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