How to Validate Your Startup Idea in Just 48 Hours.

If you're like most authors, speakers and coaches, you have a million ideas for startups buzzing around in your head at all times. The problem is, not all of those ideas are worth pursuing. How do you know which ones to focus on? And how do you go about testing them? In this blog post, I'll show you how to test your startup idea in just 48 hours using a method called the "Concierge MVP."

What is a Concierge Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

A Concierge Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a low-fidelity version of your product or service that you can use to test whether your idea is something people want. It's called a "concierge" MVP because it involves providing your product or service manually, rather than building out an automated system. 

Three Concierge MVP examples to get your creative juices flowing: 

If you're starting a laundry delivery service, your concierge MVP might involve going to people's homes and doing their laundry for them by hand. 

If you're starting a dog walking service, your concierge MVP might involve walking people's dogs for them manually. 

If you're starting a meal delivery service, your concierge MVP might involve cooking meals for people by hand and delivering them to their homes. 

As you can see, the key here is to provide your product or service in the most low-fidelity way possible. This means that your concierge MVP should be something that you can put together quickly, without hassle and without alot of money.

Why Use a Concierge MVP?

There are two main reasons why you would want to use a concierge MVP: 

First, it's an incredibly fast and efficient way to test your idea. With a concierge MVP, you can get feedback from potential customers within days or even hours, rather than waiting months (or longer) to launch a fully-fledged product. This is incredibly important because by receiving direct feedback from customers on what they like and don't like about your idea , you can quickly pivot and improve your offering before you've invested too much time or money in it. 

Second, a concierge MVP allows you to test your idea with very little financial risk.Because you're not investing in building out a complex system or product, you can put together a concierge MVP for very little money. This means that if your idea turns out to be a dud, you haven't wasted too much time or money on it. 

Third, it's a great way to build buzz and generate interest in your startup. Because concierge MVPs are usually quite novel and unusual, they tend to generate a lot of word-of-mouth buzz, which can be invaluable for getting your startup off the ground. 

How to Use a Concierge MVP

Now that we've gone over some of the reasons why you might want to use a concierge MVP, let's take a look at how you can actually use one to test your startup idea. There are four steps involved: 

Find your target market: The first step is to identify your target market. Who are the people most likely to be interested in your product or service? 

Identify your value proposition: What is it about your product or service that will appeal to your target market? Give them a reason to hire you instead of someone with a similar offer. 

- Create a landing page: Once you've identified your target market and value proposition, create a landing page where you can explain what you're offering and why people should care. This landing page should also have a way for people to sign up for your concierge MVP. 

Reach out to potential customers: The final step is to reach out to potential customers and get them to sign up for your concierge MVP. You can do this through online channels like social media and online forums, or offline channels like flyers and posters. You can also pick up the phone and ask family, friends, and colleagues “Who do you know who wants/needs/desires x? Can you introduce me?”

Once you've got a few people signed up for your concierge MVP, it's time to start providing your product or service. Remember to take note of any feedback you receive from customers so that you can improve your offering as you go. Embrace both criticism and praise. The criticism will strengthen your offer and the praise will clarify your value proposition. 

And there you have it! That's everything you need to know about how to test your startup idea using a concierge MVP. 

Do you have any questions about the concierge MVP method? Let us know in the comments below!

If you’re ready to build your concierge MVP, let’s chat

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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