The 8 Kinds of Thought and How to Use Them

Ancient wisdom tells us that thoughts are things. And just like physical things, they have an impact on our lives. Our thoughts create our reality. So, if we want to change our lives, we need to change our thoughts.

The first step is to become aware of the different types of thought that we use on a daily basis. There are eight kinds of thought: verbal, positive, negative, analytical, constructive, destructive, abstract and symbolic. Each type of thought has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. By this I mean that each type of thought affects your productivity and happiness. In this blog post, we will discuss each type of thought and how to use them to your advantage! 

Verbal thought is when we use words to think. We can use verbal thought to communicate with others and understand the world around us.

Positive thought is when we focus on the good things in our lives.

"Three good things" is a classic gratitude exercise where participants are asked to write down three good things from their day, whether big or small. Try this exercise in positive psychology during your next sales presentation.

Negative thought is when we focus on the bad things in our lives. While it’s important to acknowledge our negative thoughts, we don’t want to dwell on them.

Many mental health experts recommend writing down negative thoughts to deal with them. The simple act of writing down your negative beliefs and watching them burn right in front of you can often help disempower those beliefs.

Analytical thought is when we use logic and reasoning to solve problems. This type of thinking is helpful when we need to make decisions or figure out how to do something.

Many speakers have membership programs, group coaching programs, podcasts and book clubs to support their audiences in analytical thinking.

Constructive thought is when we use our imagination to create something new. This type of thought can be helpful when we need to come up with ideas or solve problems creatively.

Some people find it helpful to take a break from their work and do some creative activities, like journalling, dancing, painting or drawing, to help them think more constructively.

Destructive thought is when we focus on the negative aspects of ourselves or the world around us. This type of thought can lead to depression and anxiety.

It’s important to be aware of destructive thoughts and counter them with positive ones. For example, if you’re thinking “I’m not good enough,” try countering that with “I am doing my best.”

It also helps to write down your gifts, talents, strengths and abilities and then outsource and/or delegate those tasks not in your zone of genius. Remember the wisdom of Les Brown "Teamwork makes the dream work."

Abstract thought is when we think about concepts that are not concrete. This type of thought can be helpful when we need to understand complex ideas or make decisions about future plans.

Many coaches lead brainstorming and ideation sessions, mastermind groups and business incubators to support their clients with innovating their business models.

Symbolic thought is when we use symbols to represent ideas. This type of thought can be helpful when we need to communicate our thoughts to others or remember information.

Some speakers and trainers find it helpful to create mind maps and process visuals when they’re presenting to support their audience in thinking symbolically.

In conclusion, there are eight types of thought: verbal, positive, negative, analytical, constructive, destructive, abstract and symbolic . Each type of thought affects our productivity and happiness. By understanding the different types of thought, we can use them to our advantage!

Do you find yourself using one type of thought more than others? Let us know in the comments below! And don’t forget to share this blog post with your friends and colleagues!

Happy thinking! :-)

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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