3 Common Mistakes That Can Doom Your Speaking Career

Public speaking can be a career-making or career-breaking move. It's important to avoid common mistakes that can doom your presentation and leave a negative impression on your audience. Here are three of the most common public speaking blunders:

Being seen but not heard.

It is easy to ignore speakers, coaches and leaders who are not speaking with substance. Because your content is not relevant, relatable or meaningful to the audience member, the perception may be that you are "out of touch" or "incompetent".

As a leader, you must remember that your time on stage (or in front of your clients) is precious and should be focused on what's most important - delivering value, helping people understand the change process and inspiring them to take action!

When you are able to lead your audiences towards embracing change and transformation, they are doing a great service for themselves and others!

Thinking you have to be perfect in order to lead and inspire others.

You are human just like everyone else and your shared imperfections connect you with others in a powerful way. Resist the urge to be someone you're not. When we try to be someone else, we lose our authentic voice and the ability to truly connect with our audience. People can see through this immediately and it will damage your credibility as a speaker. Authenticity is key when it comes to leadership and transformation.

Wanting immediate results, quick fixes and instant gratification.

Mastery is developed over time through practice. The same is true for transformation. It doesn't happen overnight and it definitely doesn't happen through a one-time event or speech. If you are looking for short-term results, then you will be sorely disappointed.

As a speaker, your role is to help people understand the change process and inspire them to take action - even if that means taking small steps towards their goals.

When we focus on the long game and embrace the journey of transformation, we can truly make a difference in the lives of others!


We all want to be able to lead our clients and teams towards embracing change and transformation. It is critical that you keep in mind that it is not enough to "be seen and hard". Your objective is to use your platform to lead, teach and inspire yourself and others to greatness. 

Once again, there's something powerful about using your platform as speaker in order help people embrace change - no matter how small or large it may be for them.

When you are able speak from your heart and inspire others towards their own transformation, you are healed in the process.

I believe that you are here to heal and be healed and you learn how to express and experience love for self and all of humanity.

Oh, by the way, if you haven't already done so, read these three companion blog posts:

Why Do People Speak? https://www.kadenatate.com/blog/why-do-people-speak

Use Your Speaker Platform to Lead, Teach and Inspire https://www.kadenatate.com/blog/use-your-speaker-platform-to-lead-teach-and-inspire

How To Give a Memorable Speech https://www.kadenatate.com/blog/how-to-give-a-memorable-speech


What are some things you have done as a speaker to influence change and transformation? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

How to Become a Keynote Speaker


Use Your Speaker Platform to Lead, Teach and Inspire