Focus Your Course on a Single Problem and One Solution

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Do you have an online course? If so, focus it on one problem and one solution.

This is the simplest way to create valuable content that will help potential customers solve their problems. In this article, we are going to talk about how focusing your course on a single problem and one solution will lead to more conversions.

As a deep thinker and lifelong student, it has taken me YEARS to understand that even when people ask complex questions, they truly don’t need or want an all-inclusive answer.

If your course helps your clients identify their ideal client, then including information about giving voice to their value proposition might seem relevant, when it’s really just a distraction.

Worse, if you try to branch out too much, you run the risk of overwhelming your customer. Too much of that and she’ll log off and never return – for this or any other course you create. Not because you’re a bad coach, but because she’ll be convinced that she’s a bad student.

Here’s another issue with trying to include too much information in one course: Depth of knowledge. When you try to include too much information, what you end up with is very thin coverage of many different topics. Sure, your clients might get the depth they need from one course – but what about all of those other areas your customers might need help with?

Instead, if you focus your course on a single problem and one solution, you’ll be able to provide more depth of knowledge about that topic. With less distraction and confusion (for them). And less work for you (in creating the course).

For example, the simplest way to create valuable content that will help potential customers solve their problems is to chunk it down. Attention is a valuable resource. To give you an idea of how to chunk it down, break your topic into 12 ten minute videos instead of a 2 hour webinar training.

Add in additional resources, such as · Case studies, Worksheets, Process maps, Scripts and Dialogues, Checklists, Multi-Media content and Templates.

The more the course is focused on a single problem and one solution, the easier it will be for your customers to follow what you’re teaching them – which means they are much more likely to complete each lesson before moving on to the next.

This also gives you the opportunity to receive glowing testimonials because you’ve given them the confidence of having achieved their objectives step by step.

Ready to Launch Your 1st Online Course? Absolutely! Let’s Create Something Wonderful Together! Join the Women’s Circle of Joy to Get Started!

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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