How to Differentiate Yourself as a Speaker


As a speaker, it can be difficult to stand out. There are so many amazing speakers in the world that all have something different and unique to offer. In this blog post we will discuss how you can differentiate yourself from other speakers and make your voice heard!

The first step is remembering to be yourself, without guilt, embarrassment, explanation, justification or apology. Authenticity has no competition. No one can truly stand in your shoes.

The second step is developing a strong message for your audience. Take classes on how to become a better storyteller so that you can share the wisdom captured from your lived experiences.

This can be as simple as asking 3 questions prior to crafting your speech:

  • What would you like the audience to know?

  • How would you like your audience to feel before, during, and after your presentation?

  • What specific action would you like the audience member to take before, during and after your presentation?

Clarity in this area helps tremendously when it comes to writing your speech, and designing the companion presentation and handouts. This ensures alignment between your message and the audience's ability to find relevance, engage and take action when prompted.

The third step is designing an engaging way for people to interact with you before, during, and after the event so they feel connected with who you are as a person before they leave the event.

Your speaking style, exercises and handouts are memorable ways for people to remember all the great information they learned from you. Sharing your insight and wise council can be the medicine needed to propel their life forward.

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Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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