Six Tips for Effective Public Speaking

Public speaking can be a daunting task. You have to worry about your appearance, your tone of voice, and most importantly, your content. You want to make sure that you are clear and concise, and that you sound like an authority on the topic. In this blog post, we will give you some tips on how to speak with clarity, brevity and authority. Follow these tips and you will be able to wow any audience!

Speak with Clarity

Remember to speak in a clear, loud and confident tone of voice. Don’t mumble or whisper; this will make it difficult for the audience to hear you. Also, don’t talk too quickly! Your speaking rate should be between 120-150 words per minute (this is about half of your normal rate).

Speak in complete sentences. Avoid starting a sentence and then pausing part way through, waiting for you to finish your thought before allowing the audience another chance at understanding what you are saying. When an audience member is having trouble following along with your speech, they will get frustrated - quickly! This leads them to feeling disconnected from your speech, and they will find it more difficult to relate with you.

Speak with Brevity

Many people tend to ramble when giving a speech. This doesn't make you memorable; it makes you look like the average Joe who can't be succinct with his words, and this is something that most audiences can’t stand. Instead of babbling on about random things that don’t really pertain to your topic, try limiting yourself to three main points.

Speak with Authority

Speak with authority and eloquence by using the word “you.” Use this word to refer to yourself or your audience so that you can speak directly to each listener. For example, instead of saying, “When I was a child…” say, “You as a child…” This engages your audience, and it makes them feel important.

Use statistics in a way that will make sense to everyone listening. For example, instead of saying “about 40% of people have this problem…” say something like “If you are reading this blog post right now then chances are pretty good that about 40% or more of us have dealt with [problem] at some point during our lives." This type of statistic can be used when addressing an issue such as defeating procrastination (which is something most people struggle with). It also helps listeners understand what percentage means so that they don't think 100% equals only one person!

This technique allows audiences who might not understand percentages very well to grasp their meaning quickly without having to ask questions later on.

Make it personal by telling listeners why they should care about what you’re saying! This is an effective way to engage your audience and make them feel like they are a part of something bigger than themselves, which will help keep their attention throughout your speech or presentation. For instance: “You might be wondering how this affects me personally? Well...let’s say that you have lost someone close due in part because of cancer treatment drugs which were not properly tested prior to being released onto the market."

Engage Your Audience with Humor

Laughter is the best medicine, so they say. Use humor where appropriate, as long as it doesn't distract from the message that needs conveyed. Take an improv class and/or comedy class. You can also watch TEDX talks to sharpen this skill.

No, I am not encouraging yu to be a stand up comedian, just keep in mind that your ability to educate, inspire and entertain goes a long way with an audience.

Include Personal Anecdotes

Another way to speak with authority is by including personal anecdotes in your speech. If you have a story that illustrates the point of your presentation, share it! Anecdotes are an excellent way to make your message more memorable for listeners because they bring real-life examples into context.

Be Memorable in Action

Try to be memorable in action during your speech. The best way to do this is by practicing, so practice often! You can also use hand gestures and motions while you speak to keep the audience’s attention on you.

  • Be Memorable through Gestures - If possible, try using interesting hand movements or other gestures that will capture your listeners’ attention. For example, try the “point to yourself” gesture while you tell a story about your own experience or achievements. You can also use gestures like pointing at members of your audience to make it seem as if you are speaking directly with them instead of talking at an impersonal group.

  • Be Memorable through Visual Aids - Another way to be memorable is by using visual aids. Visuals such as pictures and diagrams can help you illustrate your point more clearly, so try placing one or two on an easel or projector throughout the speech.

  • Be Memorable through Storytelling - A few interesting stories will make all of these tips even more effective! If possible, try to include one or two stories in your speech. For example, you can tell a story about yourself that illustrates the point of your presentation or share an interesting anecdote from history.

  • Be Memorable by Ending on a High Note - To be most effective, end with something memorable! You could use humor, summarize some important points, ask a question, or tell a story. Ending with something memorable will leave the audience thinking about your presentation for days to come!

To be a successful public speaker, you must speak with clarity, brevity and authority. You can achieve this by practicing often, and studying the techniques of successful public speakers. Don't fret! In the words of T.Harv Ever "Every master was once a disaster!"

Do you have any other tips for being an effective public speaker? Let us know in the comments below!

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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