How to Find Paid Speaking Gigs


Do you want to be a speaker? Have you been looking for paid speaking gigs but not found any yet? You're in the right place! In this blog post, we will discuss 10 ways that can help find paid speaking engagements.

Whether you are just starting out or have years of experience, these tips can assist anyone who is interested in making money as a professional speaker.

  • Tip #01: Speak to Your Network - Let family and friends know that you are looking for paid speaking engagements. Speaking at a conference can be an excellent opportunity to network with other professionals in your field.

  • Tip #02: Reach Out To Organizations You Are Already Involved With – If you're volunteering or otherwise involved with organizations who hire speakers, let them know that you're interested in finding paid speaking engagements.

  • Tip #03: Reach Out To Professionals In Your Field – If you have a degree or certification and are looking for opportunities to speak about your expertise, contact the professional organizations related to this area of study. For example, if your degree is in Chemistry but you are looking to speak about gender bias against female professionals, contact both the American Business Women’s Association (ABWA) and Women in Technology International (WITI).

  • Tip #04: Track Your Success – Keep track of how successful you've been at finding paid speaking engagements. Be sure to record information like date, event type (corporate, academic), location, fee range offered or received, speaking topics, and audience size.

  • Tip #05: Attend Industry Conferences – Most industries hold national conferences that are open to the public. This is a great way not only to speak as an expert but also network with other professionals in your field. To get started on finding industry-specific opportunities, try checking out sites like these:

  • Tip #06: Reach Out To Organizations You Want to Work With – If you have a general idea of an organization that you want to work with, reach out and let them know. This can be a great opportunity for organizations who are hiring speakers but don't get the word out about it as often.

  • Tip #07: Speak To Companies You Work For – Don't be afraid to speak with your company about the possibility of giving a talk. It can provide an excellent opportunity for you and your employer to reach out to new potential customers or employees.

  • Tip #08: Utilize Social Media Platforms – There are many social media platforms that have groups where people share information about professional speaking engagements. If you're not sure where to start, try Facebook groups like "Speakers and Events," LinkedIn's "Public Speaking" group, or Twitter with the hashtag #speakerchat.

  • Tip #09: Join a Professional Organization or Association– Joining an organization related to your profession can lead you in contact with other professionals and potentially paid speaking engagements.

  • Tip #10: Stay Updated On Local Opportunities – Keep updated on opportunities for speakers in your local community such as the Chamber of Commerce or Women's Business Association, so that you can speak at events related to those organizations' topics.

So if you're looking for a way to position yourself as a credible expert in your industry,speaking is the perfect vehicle.

The best way to find paid speaking gigs is to speak at as many events as you can. This includes, but is not limited to, Chambers of Commerce, Rotary Clubs, Kiwanis Clubs, Non Profits, Educational and Governmental Institutions, and the like.

Create a speaker kit on your website, prior to applying to each of the major websites that list speakers for conferences, seminars, and other types of speaking engagements.

It's important to do your research on each event before submitting your information: look at the website, read about previous speakers who have spoken there, see what topics they covered in their speeches, etc.

The more prepared you are when you apply - the better chance you'll get booked!

Need support in crafting your speaking strategy, join the Women’s Circle of Joy.

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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