The Mastermind Business Model

Mastermind Business Model  KTS.pngMastermind Business Model  KTS.png

“You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn

Rohn had it right.

Trying to run a business all by yourself is mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially exhausting. You’ll need support from family, friends, employees, vendors, and so on.

Because you’re committed to a cause greater than yourself, you’ll need clarity, focus, intention, community, and accountability.

And so, whether your desire is to grow yourself or your business, investing in a mastermind’s a fantastic decision.

A mastermind is a peer-mentoring group of individuals who meet on a regular basis (in-person or online) to hold one another accountable as they maximize their highest potential. Many successful business owners have joined or created masterminds to help grow their businesses and work on their personal growth.

Pause with me here.

Imagine the power of a cohort of smart, innovative, ambitious minds exploring the best options for explosive growth, excellent service, increased productivity, and optimal creativity.

Imagine the encouragement of a peer group that understands and supports your goals, challenges you to be your best self, and holds you accountable until you smash your goals.

Imagine how much easier it is to keep going when you’re surrounded by people who believe in you and gently set you straight when you’re riddled with anxiety, self-doubt, and fear.

That, my dears, is the power of a mastermind.

Look at your past and current clients, customers, or subscribers, and ask yourself: Who needs a mastermind group? How can I create one for them?

Many people yearn to join a mastermind but don’t know how to find the right one that’ll meet their needs. You’re in the perfect position to bring them together and spark explosive growth in their lives because you know how to meet their burning needs.

This is an excellent business model if you desire to create and facilitate a mastermind for your people and charge a recurring monthly fee. Give them the opportunity to belong to and work with a peer group and enjoy accountability, feedback, collaboration, networking, shared resources, and support in a safe, facilitated online or in-person environment.



I’ve learned first-hand that two minds (or more) can be the difference between playing small and creating the business and life of your dreams.

Be the heart of an invaluable, deluxe experience. Give your members a safe space to grow and excel together.

Want support designing your “Mastermind Business Model”? Join the Women’s Circle of Joy.

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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